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  • Sheriffen | Wed, June 15, 2011 at 19:39

    Ekenäs, Sydkoster.... 21/7?

    Reply: Kommer upp under dagen. //Admin

  • Olaf Braasch | Marburg, Germany | Wed, June 15, 2011 at 14:27

    Hi Christian,
    nowhere we can see who´s your duo-partner in slussens pensionat. Let us know please!
    Best wishes

    Reply: It is Tias Carlsson! //Admin

  • Christiana | Germany | Thu, June 9, 2011 at 19:07

    Saw you live in Munich on May 28th. The first time since I’ve heard your voice first time in 2007. Was a bit disappointed. About 50 people in an obviously much too big club for such a gig. But actually a chance... for a kind of „living-room-concert“. But it didn’t work. You played your list right down there on the stage...and we - the 50 people down there, in the depth of the darkness, splitted in two parts, strange scenery - couldn’t get really in contact to you. It was a pity. Anyway , love your voice and love your music! And it was nice to hear it live! So I had a good time with you! Hope you go on composing and playing and singing your music. And I would be pleased if the next album comes soon and also on vinyl. Love it! Best wishes to you and your fellas!

  • Admin | Wed, June 8, 2011 at 10:35

    Christian kommer att göra en solospelning på Sveriges Visfestival på Mosebacke i Stockholm den 18 juni!

  • Elisabeth | Austria | Thu, June 2, 2011 at 14:19

    I fell in love with your voice. Great concert, great support! See you all soon back in Graz.
    Yes, I can live like poppies and peonies.

  • tobias | austria | Mon, May 30, 2011 at 23:21 | WEB

    two souls - love it!!!!

  • Heleen | Den Bosch | Sun, May 22, 2011 at 22:27

    Thank you for the great concert in Aachen last night! It was really amazing to see you and your band performing live. It would be great if you could come to Holland in the future....!

  • Mikkel | denmark | Wed, May 18, 2011 at 15:47

    Hvorfor blev koncerten i København aflyst?
    Jeg havde glædet mig til endelig at se Kjellvander i københavn!!!
    (-og nu er det oven i købet utroligt svært at få sine penge retur
    :-( Jeg håber dog Christian har det ok - og kommer tilbage i en anden sammenhæng.

  • ADMIN | Thu, May 12, 2011 at 13:35

    Spelningar på Slussens Pensionat på Orust och Blidösundsbåten i Stockholm är tillagda i turnelistan!

  • Merker | Lund | Sun, May 1, 2011 at 21:44

    Är spelningen i Köpenhamn inställd eller bara borttagen av misstag under tour dates?

    Reply: Den är tyvärr inställd. //Admin

  • Admin | Fri, April 29, 2011 at 16:19

    Två datum i Norge är tillagda till turnelistan. Oslo och Bergen!

  • annika | mannheim | Mon, April 25, 2011 at 23:44

    Hej Christian!

    Vielen Dank für dieses Gästebuch, ich hoffe wir sehen uns in Hamburg:-)

    Vänliga hälsningar annika

  • Mickis | Mon, April 18, 2011 at 14:57

    Videon till Bad Hurtn! [URL] Grym! Du ser vid tillfället lite sleten ut, kan detta stämma? ;)

  • Alexander | Norge | Fri, April 15, 2011 at 23:56

    Blir det noen konserter i Norge?

  • Admin | Tue, April 5, 2011 at 08:22

    En spelning i Östersund den 16 april är tillagd under Tour dates!

  • M | Mon, April 4, 2011 at 10:24

    Lyssnar på lite youtube klipp från tyskland! Tycker nog du får klämma upp lite mer sverige-spelningar snart, vill också se dig spela ju! ;)

  • Wolf | Lausanne | Sun, April 3, 2011 at 11:25

    Great Konzerts in Bern and in Zürich! It was fabulous, genial, magnifique and so on. Hope you come back soone in Switzerland!!!!
    Thank you Christian ;) and the others too!

  • cedric | Annecy (F) | Wed, March 30, 2011 at 23:03

    Bern setlist :
    01. long distance runner
    02. bad hurtn
    03. live ones
    04. slow walk in the country
    05. homeward rolling soldier
    06. transatlantic
    07. portugal
    08. oh night
    09. when the mourning comes
    10. poppies & peonies
    11. paige
    12. improvisation
    13. 2 souls
    14. cover (???)

  • Cedric | Annecy (F) | Wed, March 30, 2011 at 22:58

    Thanks guys for the great great show in Bern, can't wait to see and hear the whole band live again!
    You can watch nearly all the song videos from the show on youtube, here's homeward rolling soldier : [URL] ded

  • Galael | Lausanne | Tue, March 29, 2011 at 17:00

    Merci beaucoup Pour les concerts en Suisse. J'étais à celui de Berne et de Zurich et ils étaient juste géniaux! Je regrette de n'avoir pas pu assister à celui près de St-Gall.. J'espère pouvoir venir à Stockohlm une fois ou vous jouerez!
